Free Home Business Tips that odor. The kitchen is part of the house that has the potential to have a bad odor, for food scraps, oils, spices and spoiled food can cause odor. When not in deal well, it is not possible odor will also be wafted from other parts of the house. ways for odor-free kitchen.
You can try to use some of these tips to get the kitchen odor free and clean, and of course make your kitchen a healthy kitchen.
1. Clean food debris and oil contained in the pot, oven, stove and cooking around the place you immediately after cooking, or at least several times a week.
To clean the stove you can do it a couple of weeks, because it usually takes more.
2. Do not leave dirty dishes too long before washing, as the remnants of food that has been mixed with water on the plate more quickly stale and cause odor.
3. Note the garbage in your garbage, wet garbage is usually faster cause odor and would be better if it is not too long to settle in the trash.